
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

See What Peace Of Mind Long Term Care Insurance Brings

By Chris Winters

By the the year mid two thousand almost ten million men and women had to use health care that was long term. This number will continue to rise so that by the year 2020 the number will more than double. These statistics show thinking about long term care insurance seems very smart.

What is the process of needing care long term? Long term care is when a person cannot not perform two such things as washing themselves or cooking meals. There are many different forms of this care and every individual has their own circumstances. However, long term care can have many components to it.

Usually a person is eligible for care for the long term if they need a home care giver in their home to help them manage day to day life. If one needs to be assisted living because in their own home is not enough. If one needs aid because of cancer and needs hospice service or if they must live in a Alzheimer facility. Of course the money to cover these needs must come from somewhere and since one out of four people end up in a nursing home it seems that everyone must consider their options.

If care for a long period of time is needed how will you finance it? One idea is to purchase a policy that cares for you for longer periods of time. This type of insurance has two types either taxable or nontaxable.

Insurance that allows you to write off the care needed long term under the line item of medical is one such policy. There are certain requirements to utilize this policy. One must need someone to help them with at least two duties such as getting dressed, making meals, or moving about. For at least ninety days. A doctor must provide plan of care. Tax wise it is treated like health insurance and you can deduct it as a medical expense. The younger you are the less the allowed deduction. This policy does not tax any benefits.

The taxable plan is not as common as there is a higher premium price and this policy must be initiated by a doctor. It does allow one to include the fact that walking is not possible as a daily routine. Yet, all the benefits are able to be taxed and that can cause great expenditures for the insured.

When purchasing a policy the insurer will take several factors into determining the price. The age you buy the policy is the first indicator. How the policy is paid out on a daily or monthly benefit, if there is a time period where the policy can be stopped, cost of living increases, and of course how healthy the purchaser is. Once a policy is written the company cannot change wording to what the policy says and cannot cancel unless the purchaser does not pay the premiums. Consider buying two policies for you and your spouse to receive a discount.

While everyone expects good health and long life often times this not the case, so be sure to at least have a safeguard in place. To protect yourself with long term care insurance means that you will not have to be concerned with what might happen.

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Retrospective Risk Adjustment

By Bill Wilson

With the efforts to decrease the cost of health care there is a large amount of importance of being placed upon risk adjustment and risk adjustment methods. It is believed that high-quality improperly calculated risk adjustment can play major role in decreasing the cost within our health care industry. Risk adjustment is what is used by health insurance plans as well as the centers for Medicaid and Medicare as a way to determine anticipated costs.

One of the reasons for the increased amount of focus on risk adjustment methods as well as outcomes is the need to lower the costs of the health care industry. Risk adjustment is used to determine the amount each patient or member, and their health care provider, will receive from the Medicare Advantage plans. Risk adjustment focuses on the coding of a patients chart, and analyzing the codes applied and determining a monetary value from these codes. However, if the codes are not correct, or there are a number of diagnostic codes missing for an individual then the calculation will likely be far too low, causing excessive costs.

The centers for Medicare and Medicaid are currently working towards shrinking the payments to Medicare Advantage plans via risk adjustment by performing audits and assessing the claims and diagnostic codes applied to plan members. This makes it more important than ever that all patients have the correct codes applied to their member information, and that the services and treatments rendered are properly recorded and coded. This is where retrospective risk adjustment becomes an important part of the equation. Retrospective risk adjustment focuses on looking at each individual patients charts, encounter data, and claims data in order to verify that all of the diagnostic codes that apply to them are actually a part of their member profile.

Recently, the centers for Medicare and Medicaid services established a number of new condition categories within their current H CC coding model which in turn makes risk adjustment an even more important factor to consider. In this case retrospective risk adjustment is necessary to ensure each plan member is receiving all of the benefits that they are entitled to. With the expansion of condition categories I need to review and look over patient's chart and counter data and claims with these new categories in mind. Retrospective risk adjustment includes a detailed review of past interactions charts and claims data on a patient to ensure that they are being properly coded for all of the necessary health issues they have.

To learn more about Retrospective Risk Adjustment go to Altegra Health.

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What Is Health Insurance for Individuals

By James Scott

Life insurance is an instrument to help keep families financially safeguarded. Term insurance rates have been on the decline in the past few years which has more individuals looking at coverage than ever before. There are a number of reasons to consider term insurance over other kinds of life insurance. Term insurance has the lowest fees of any sort of life insurance coverage basically because it just covers a particular number of years. Whole life insurance charges well over term basically because it has a guaranteed death benefit. Most individuals use life insurance to include specific important things in the event they die such as starting college funds for their kids or sustaining the standard of living for their loved one. This sort of protection likewise aids with ultimate fees such as funerals that can cost a couple of thousand dollars.

You will find agencies which has all of the details you need. Choose the coverage that is right for you and the best rate. Term protection is sold in quite a few different time periods from 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years. Some people likewise consider the yearly renewable coverage option that are offered.

Yearly renewable protection lapses and is renewed every year which makes it very low-cost for much younger buyers and prices go up as the policyholder ages. Individuals who are seeking a far more dependable form of policy have any of the yearly terms readily available. 30 year terms are most popular for young buyers who are aiming to secure a low rate for a long period while 20 is more popular for families with young children.

If you subscribe to a term life insurance plan, there is virtually no cash value build up. A lot of customers neglect this fact. They have heard that there exists a few policies which have value and they presume that term life is one of them. It is essential to impress on you and your loved ones that you really spend some time to understand more about the plan you're subscribing to. You ought to understand what you're about to pay each month and what you're getting for it.

Term insurance quotes will depend on the length of the coverage as well as the policy amount. Some policy providers offer clients the opportunity to get their premiums back immediately after the term ends. People that subscribe to a 20 or 30 year plan may be qualified for the return-of-premium option. This add-on will give back premiums paid on the plan the moment it lapses as a reward for term life buyers. You can always obtain greater information by submitting life insurance quotes on the internet.

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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Member Outreach Programs

By Jess Knight

Member outreach programs are and area that many health insurance companies are beginning to focus more on as they are trying to maintain their member base. Member retention, or the number of members that decide to stay on their health insurance plan, is something that member outreach can help with. Being able to keep these member retention numbers up is a vital part of health insurance company success. It has been made clear that in the future health insurance companies will have to put a lot of emphasis on their member outreach programs.

Member outreach programs can focus on a number of different plan members and aims at helping these members understand and know the services that are available to them and what will be most beneficial. It is the member outreach programs that will help patients understand the services that can help them most as well as how accessible these services and treatments are. They can also focus on the education of plan members, especially those with special or extraordinary health needs or requirements.

Member outreach programs can differ greatly and include access to programs such as pre-screening services and providing the education to members about how important these services are. The goal of member outreach programs such as these should be to help make sure that everyone within the plan has knowledge and access to the many different prescreening capabilities that may have the chance to save their lives.

Prescreening and early detection member outreach programs focus on providing prescreening services to members as well as providing members with the education about how important these screenings are. Many plans will create a team in order to help spread the word about the program as well as the importance of it. The goal of programs like these are to make sure that everyone as access to the pre-screening capabilities that could potentially save their lives.

Member outreach programs can benefit both the members of the plan as well as the health insurance companies. It helps members in the way of gaining more access to better treatments and services, but it also helps to establish a more advanced standard of trust between the plan members and the health insurance company. It is a good way of showing the members of the plan that the focus of the insurance company is their health, not collecting their monthly premiums. It will help to increase customer satisfaction and may even help impact the effectiveness of the company.

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By Chris Jenkins

The expectations for the new payment model to be released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services are to have an increase in the risk adjustment data validation, also known as RADV. It is this risk adjustment data validation that is put in place as a means to create the computation of payment error for a number of Medicare or Medicaid beneficiaries. There have been reports made that the recovery of overpayments that are scheduled will be increased by the centers for Medicare and Medicaid this year.

Every member who is a part of a Medicare or Medicaid sponsored plan is provided with diagnostic codes found in the Hierarchical Condition category as a way to categorize the members of a plan. Every category, or code, is representative of a specific illness of disease and is also linked with a monetary value of the cost to care for this type of illness. Each code that is assigned to a patient becomes the specific dollar amount that their insurance company receives for compensation of covering the patient with that illness.

The purpose of completing a risk adjustment data validation is to make sure that the individuals are actually in need of, or have already received the care that is specified in their charts. It allows the centers for Medicare and Medicaid a way to ensure the compensation for the specific member is accurate and matches the information provided. The centers for Medicare and Medicaid services will audit the information passed from insurance companies to health care providers and check to see whether or not he codes that were applied are accurate. In some instances where the payment to the insurance company through the centers of Medicare and Medicaid is more than what is justified for the plan member, the overpayment is required to be paid back by the insurance company.

The centers for Medicare and Medicaid services have put this system into effect for the first time in 2011. It is believed that this new system will be a dynamic part of getting some of the funding which was accidentally granted because of improperly coded charts back to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid servies. Estimations have been made that the program will be successful in recovering overpayments made by the centers of Medicare and Medicaid services in amounts over 300 million dollars. Some believe that this program can be a good start to decreasing the ever rising costs of our current health care system, a topic which continues to be controversial within our nation.

To learn more about RADV go to Altegra Health.

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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Everyone Should Know What Is The Difference Between Long Term Care Insurance And Medicaid

By Ricky Phillips

You should know all the facts before you make a decision on there long term health care, this is why I would like to tell you what is the difference between LTC Financial Solutions and medicaid. This way you will know which is the best option for your circumstances.

If you are suffering from an illness that means you need care that you or your family are unable or incapable to provide then long term care insurance will be a choice you should think about. This is because you will not have to worry about other people having to take on the bill should you become ill and also know that you will not have to worry about your family not inheriting what you choose to leave behind for them.

If you are suffering from an illness that will last a long time then you or suffering family member may not want to go into a home which mean that if you want the best of both worlds you will be able to get such care in your own home. The say care help will come and make sure that you have everything you need as well as administer any medication that you may need.

Some people wish to stay in their home but also want to get out and about, as well as giving any other family members a break from caring for them. A good option for this is to have day care, which means you will be taken to a day care clinic every day, where they will look after you, make sure you are fed and looked after as well as finding activities around your needs.

Anyone who is in need of 24 hour care, may want to go into a residential home, this could prove costly if you did not have the long term care insurance to take care of it for you and your family could end up footing the bill if they have savings. This will mean that you do not need to worry about any evening care you may need as there are trained medical staff on all the time to meet the needs of anyone who requires it.

Most people at some point in their lives, 50% in fact will need some kind of long term care. You may not wish to be a burden on family members and even if they are willing to help it is not always the best option if there is medical intervention needed that they cannot do themselves. Also one other thing you need to know is that medicaid will not fund long term healthcare, and anything they do give you will be taken back once you no longer require the care or pass away, they can also sell your home to recover costs if need be or get it from family members.

If you are unable to financially cover the care that you or a family member need then the government offers a scheme called medicaid. They do only give limited help which is why if possible long term care insurance is the better option.

If you wish to have help at home this is something that is not usually covered by medicaid so they will be more likely to insist you go into residential care, however the homes which the medicaid covers are limited so you will not have a massive choice of them as you would if you were insured.

The help medicaid give, if any at all is mainly dependent on the amount of money you have in savings, and also the savings of your partner. The usual amount of savings you cannot exceed to be eligible for care is $2000. It has been known for people to give money away to others to be able to get the care they need without having to pay for it, however the government have become aware of this and will check into your financial in-goings and outgoings before you are allowed the help and if is found that you have been dishonest you could be fined for fraud.

Before making your choice you will need to think about the good and bad points to both ways of funding your long term care, as you will never know no matter how healthy you are now what could happen in the future. You will have the peace of mind that your family will not have to pay the care you have received and know that your assets will go to whom it is you wish them to not to the government.

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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Limited Income Subsidy

By Jean Moore

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid have a number of different programs that provide assistance to those who are currently unable to afford health care services or health treatment. One of these programs that is being used is called the limited income subsidy program. This program is a smaller part of the overall Medicare Part D plan which is used to assist individuals as well as families be able to pay for prescription drug coverage. The limited income subsidy program was started in 2005 and has been successful over the past seven years in helping families in need. However there are still critics who believe that there are many more improvements that can be made to the program.

In addition to helping cover the costs of prescription drugs, the limited income subsidy program also helps to cover extra costs associated with health insurance premiums as well as additional cost-sharing. Those who take advantage of the Medicare part D program are also commonly a part of other Medicare programs that help to lower health associated costs. In order to be eligible for limited income subsidy individuals and families must make below a certain income either as an individual or a couple. This number is changed in reference to the current economy as well as health care costs.

Beneficiaries of the limited income subsidy are required to make below 135% of the poverty level in order to receive full coverage for their monthly premium and annual deductible. Those who make over that amount may be eligible for partial coverage of both the monthly premium and the annual deductible. Through the use of the limited income subsidy, those who are enrolled will still have to pay a small amount in order to gain access to the necessary prescriptions. These payments are very reasonable and are only a fraction of the actual cost of the drugs, making the purchase possible for beneficiaries.

In order to be eligible for the program, an individual needs to have an income of less than $16,245 and resources that amount to less than $12,640. In the case that the individual is married, the combined income of the two must be less than $21,855 and the available resources less than $25,260. In order to determine these number many factors are taken into consideration including the cash within checking and savings accounts, retirement accounts, any stocks, bonds or mutual funds, life insurance policies, mortgages and properties that can be converted into cash under 20 days.

The other group of those enrolled has applied for and are now receiving coverage. Within the group of applicants for this program, more than 50% of the applications were denied, or chose not to participate in the program. In addition there is almost 20% of eligible individuals and families who do not take advantage of the program.

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